Our main priority is to preserve your teeth and smile, but in some situations, removing a tooth is unavoidable. An extraction can help you avoid serious damage to other teeth. It's an extremely common procedure, and we offer several options for tooth replacement. You can learn more by hearing from our patients.
A tooth may be recommended for removal for several reasons, such as periodontal (gum) disease, tooth decay, or fracture. When you come to Stephenville Oral Surgery, Dr. McPhillips will discuss the best treatment plan to restore your oral health, which may include the extraction of a tooth. During your first visit to our practice, you can expect to have a comprehensive oral exam and diagnostic images taken to determine the right treatment plan for you. If your tooth needs to be extracted, Dr. McPhillips can discuss your options for tooth replacement. At our practice in Stephenville, TX, we specialize in dental implant-based tooth replacement, such as dental implants, to restore your smile and oral health.
Local anesthesia is commonly used during a tooth extraction procedure, but other anesthesia options may be used depending on your specific treatment, such as if multiple extractions or complicated procedures are necessary. In those instances, intravenous (IV) sedation may be recommended.
Extraction is usually recommended if a tooth is beyond saving or repair, and/or if it threatens the health of the surrounding teeth. Sometimes, the jaw is too small to accommodate all of the teeth, or a root canal or another restorative treatment has failed. Other common reasons for a tooth extraction include
If you or your child require a tooth extraction, your oral surgeon will design a treatment plan to accommodate your specific needs and oral health goals.
Stephenville Oral Surgery offers a broad scope of oral and maxillofacial surgery, including general tooth extraction. Whether you or your child have been referred for the removal of a single tooth or several teeth, we can help. Dr. McPhillips is an experienced oral surgeon and performs general extraction procedures on patients of all ages. If necessary, we can also discuss your options for tooth replacement, such as dental implants. Please contact us to schedule a consultation at our practice in Stephenville, TX. We look forward to caring for you and your loved ones.